Its been too long since I last posted, yet I have been baking a lot. Its hard to keep up sometimes with all the baking I do. Recently I seem to have a lot of Birthdays that I have been baking for. Or its just that I’ve been using peoples birthdays an excuse to bake. Regardless of the reason, I’ve been having loads of fun doing it and have been experimenting with new recipes, however there has been a few baking fails as well - but always learning.
For my friend James’s birthday I made a selection of treats including Chocolate Truffles, Coconut Balls from the 2nd Edition Frankie Magazine cookbook. I also whipped up some meringues from the left over egg whites I had. I must say the meringues were delicious and just melted in your mouth - I was surprised how much I remembered about baking them from the days I did them with my Nana Peg. Unfortunately I did not take any photos of these treats so I have none to post, but I will be doing the Truffles again for sure as they were so easy to make and a great hit of chocolate for a chocoholic like myself.
What I am going to post about today is the cake/slice I made for my housemate Sabrina’s 30th Birthday. Who knew this girl is 30th.. I still think she is lying about her age and the fact she is German :)
Ever since I got the Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook she has been drooling over the three layer slice. It starts off with a chocolate brownie bottom as seen here:
The next stage is the cheesecake which is put straight over the top:
You then cook these two together in the oven, I was a bit worried when it started to look a bit like the Himalaya mountains rather than cheesecake, however these went down after they came out of the oven.
The last to go on top was the cream topping which was mixed with fresh raspberries to give it the pink colour and more littered all over the top of the slice. I had one happy birthday girl, doing her standard cake pose.
Happy Baking x