Happy Christmas Eve everyone!!
So while Pete is out doing some last minute Christmas shopping I thought I would put up the photos form my recent Christmas Cookie Decorating class at the Make Lounge.
I've never been good at decorating, writing or any kind of art that needs an eye for detail and I thought this might be the perfect way to learn a few simple skills. As it turns out though you don't really need to be good at any of these things to make some very cute decorated cookies.
I went along with a few of my baking buddies. We had a relaxing saturday morning learning and testing out our skills... and eating the disasters.
First we learnt the basics, making a piping bag out of parchment, which of course I struggled with being left handed, making me the only one who had to be handed a pre-made bag by the teacher. I later Googled how to make them, practiced at work with some scrap paper and (which I later realised were my boss' notes... oops!) and got the hang of it.
Next we were let loose on decorating the real cookies, outlining and filling

Miss Kate proud of her cookies
Next we learnt about covering the cookies in ready rolled icing, which is so simple I don't know how I didn't think of it.
With all the trimmings
Miss Kate & Miss Katie pleased with their snowmen.
This one was one of my favourite, simple but so effective.
Then we finished off the holy with some glitter, everything needs glitter at Christmas time.
My other favourite was the snowflake, I was attempting a pattern with the dots and got sidetracked. It doesn't quite show in the picture but it has a simple shimmering glitter.
The girls show off their take home box of treats.
And my box of creations... no photo of me as I had biked it and definitely wasn't getting in front of the camera, plus these are much cuter to look at.
Merry Christmas, happy baking and bring on 2013 x
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